We Approach a Decade of Carbon Neutrality

TORONTO, ON – November 1, 2016 – Environics Communications, a full-service North American integrated communications firm with offices in Canada and the United States, is marking its eighth anniversary of attaining carbon neutral status. This year, the agency purchased 407 Verified Carbon Units to offset the equivalent amount of emissions created, neutralizing the environmental impact of its Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and Washington, DC operations combined.
“Significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a necessity for the world,” says Bruce MacLellan, CEO of Environics Communications. “Environics is voluntarily paying a price on carbon because it’s the right thing to do. Our team has a deep respect for the environment and we want to set the right example as an agency counselling clients on reputation, trust and branding.”
In order to first achieve carbon neutral status, the agency worked with the Pembina Institute, and followed a strict protocol to execute its climate change strategy. Next, the agency created an inventory of Environics’ GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions from the operations of all four offices. Factors evaluated included staff commutes, business travel, office paper usage and heating and electricity consumption.
In recent years, Environics’ greenhouse gas emissions were offset by carbon credits purchased from the Darkwoods Forest Carbon Project, located in British Columbia, which is owned by The Nature Conservancy of Canada. Darkwoods ranks among Canada’s largest private conservation projects and is certified under the Verified Carbon Standard and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance standard, the latter for the many co-benefits that this project provides.
In addition to the purchase of carbon offsets, the agency also seeks additional opportunities to further reduce its collective carbon footprint. Environmental initiatives include:
- Sourcing electrical power from clean, emission-free providers
- Reducing office paper use by implementing a standard practice of double-sided printing andusing 100 per cent post-consumer recycled paper
- Educating staff on waste diversion and office-wide recycling protocols
- Adopting energy-smart Compact Fluorescent (CFL) and LED lighting technology
- Minimizing air and car travel for staff, and encouraging the use of public transportationwhenever possible
- A rebate program for staff who use bicycles to commute to and from the office“Our society needs more action and less head in the sand denial,” adds MacLellan. “We welcome a national standard on carbon pricing and most major businesses sectors agree. We’re proud to do our part – it’s the right thing to do,” he said.