Getting SOCAN to the Table: Guiding an Organization in Government Relations
Government Relations

SOCAN engaged Proof with a number of challenges, including introducing the organization to government, getting their policy asks on copyright out quickly and positioning themselves as a key player on copyright issues and a leader in the music industry.
In order to meet a number of SOCAN’s immediate needs, Proof recommended hosting an annual parliamentary reception together with political and bureaucratic meetings. In order to highlight both the cultural and economic impact of SOCAN members in Canada, as well as drawing MPs, key decision makers and the political media to the reception, we featured live performances by Sarah Slean and Alex Nevsky. Strategically, the event also allowed SOCAN to engage with the greater Parliamentary community in a less formal setting, and to a wide range of politicians, political staff and media.
To reinforce this message, Proof assisted with an op-ed for leading Canadian musician Randy Bachman in the Globe and Mail on SOCAN’s public policy asks.

SOCAN’s message was well received by key decision-makers and the organization is now invited to all relevant consultations and roundtables. As a result of our efforts, a Private Members Bill on their priority government “ask” is before the House of Commons. Their second annual Parliamentary reception surpassed expectations, featuring performances by Sam Roberts and Karim Ouellet, and gaining status as one of the best events on Parliament Hill.